EU – Europäische Union

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New Comenius-Partnership – 1st mobility to Trondheim (NOR)

The first mobility of our new Comenius-partnership, funded by the European Union, was taken place in Trondheim/Norway. One of our aims for the 1st mobility was that the participants shoult get to know each other better to make a foundation…

European Entrepreneurship

Zur Ausbildung von jungen Leuten gehört heute - im Vergleich zu vor einigen Jahren - selbstverständlich die Ausrichtung auf eine größere Gemeinschaft. Österreich mit seiner zentralen Position im Herzen Europas nimmt dabei eine zentrale…

Comenius-Meeting Latvia

Eight students and two teachers went on the third Comenius mobility of "E-motion - the way to work together in Europe" to Latvia. Here are some reports written by participating students from 5BK. Felix Golser, 5 BK: For our third Comenius…